Friday, July 10, 2009

Picture taken on last monday

Some people said my face like chinese!WTH! im FREAKING MALAY!cant you see the difference?ok fine maybe my SEPET EYES IS LIKE CHINESE but still im malay okay!haha
and plus im not that fair what! how can some chinese dude talk to me in mandarin while my skin is brown?hahah,FUNNY!okok!

NEW OBJECTIVE:learn how to speak mandarin!(insyallah):)

Guess what!i've been staying at home since last tuesday due to my high fever.The doctor said i need plenty of rest and he also mentioned to drink a lot of water.My temperature is getting higher and higher whenever i eat my medicine!WEIRD RIGHT!but nevamind i just eat what the doctor prescribed me:)

im really sorry,seriously

im in love with Isabelle lucas

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